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Saturday, 8 October 2016

Popular Adsense Rejection Messages And Solutions

Adsense! Adsense!! Adsense!!! Adsense!!!!
Adsense is a popular advertising network known to be reliable. But due to strictness in policies and high standard of conditions, most APPLICANTS who tend to apply for get their APPLICATION rejected for one condition/reason or the other.
Adsense is fun, adsense is cool, adsense is the best of all AD network. But do you you know adsense could be disappointing. Most especially when you think "WOW, AM GONNA GET APPROVED" only for you to read your mailbox  and get the shocker that your APPLICATION was rejected. Its really frustrating.

If you visit some blogs about solutions to adsense disapproval, you will notice you keep getting similar messages virtually from all the websites. Some of these solutions ranges from;
  • Quality and unique contents. 
  • Avoid copying from other links. 
  • Website/Domain must be 6month old. 
  • Illegal use of images. 
  • Sufficient traffic. 
  • Reapplication intervals. 
  • Avoidance of paid traffic source. 
  • 40 - 50 minimum posts. 
  • Use of custom domain name. 
  • Nice blog template. 
  • Clear web page navigation. 
  • Important pages such as "ABOUT US", "CONTACT US", PRIVACY POLICY", "TERM AND CONDITIONS" and  "DISCLAIMER" must be present. 
  • ETC.

But do you know not all the listed criteria above guarantees approval of your account?
There is no specific reason as to what makes your adsense been approved or been rejected. But rejected messages will give you a guide on those areas you are missing out.
I myself is still finding it difficult as to why adsense will not approve my application. I have submitted countless of applications but all to no avail.
Well, the good news i can deduce from all the rejection emails i receive from Adsense is that, i now know some fixes as to why adsense applications are been rejected.
When i first started this blog, on first submission of adsense application for approval, i was rejected. I never gave up.

Let me share a short experience of mine with you all.
When i first applied for google Adsense, i only had 10 posts copied from other websites. But did you know that when i applied for Adsense, the only disapproval message i got was "INSUFFICIENT CONTENT" mail.
I then decided to delete all posts i copied from 3rd party blogs and wrote my own unique articles.
But on subsequent applications after i started writing my own posts without copying from other blogs and links, i started receiving disapproval messages such as "DIFFICULT NAVIGATION", "COPYRIGHTED MATERIALS" etc.

Let me pick one of the aforementioned point listed above and discuss.

Application Interval Before Reapplying For Adsense.

Most bloggers will discourage incessant application resubmission when adsense gets disapproved. To me, i think what has an advantage equally does have a disadvantage.
Atimes when we get disapproved, we start to improve in those areas as stated by Adsense and unknowingly to us, we complicate issues. We begin to add unnecessary images which could be protected by copyright, implementing javascript code to aid smooth navigation. Some of these modifications and improvements now tend to incur more DISAPPOINTING MESSAGES spanning across Copyrighted Materials to Difficult Navigation.
But before resubmission, ensure you improve on the areas stated by adsense, note down every of your modifications after previous rejection so that you will actually know whether you are making progress or not. Then you reapply.

Now, use my experience as a case study. When i copied other articles, i only got INSUFFICIENT CONTENT, but when i decided to be unique, i started receiving frustrating and disappointing emails from adsense.
I will be listing the various solutions to reducing the numbers of DISAPPOINTING MESSAGES we receive from adsense based on my own preference and experience.
As earlier stated, there is no specific technique as to adsense approval, but this article should only be that moon which will luminate your path to approval.

Disappointing And Frustrating Adsense Disapproval Emails And Solutions.

A) Difficult Site Navigation. 

Do you know that when we receive some of this funny frustrating message from adsense, we actually know where we got it all wrong? Yes we do.
But ignorance make us neglect them. Prior to when i got this email from Adsense with header "Difficult Navigation System", I knew I was the cause and immediately, i made amends.
Some of my articles before reapplication contained broken links which i was vividly aware of. Some of the embedded links in that article of mine which i posted were invalid and 404 redirected.
Also, it was during that period that i parked a custom domain name to my blogspot thereby redirecting the original blogspot web link i used for adsense application to the custom domain name.
How did i overcome this?
The simple things I did were;
1) I unparked/remove the custom domain from the 3rd party domains in my blogspot dashboard.
2) I used "online broken link scanner" to  Scan every broken links of my Blog and fixed them with the correct error free links.
Then i reapplied. After reapplication, i never received "DIFFICULT NAVIGATION SYSTEM" error message from adsense. Just those two things i did above fixed the Rejection mail.
1) Make sure the URL you used for adsense application is not Redirecting to any other link. (ie Assuming the adsense URL you submitted is, ensure that whenever you visit that link, it doesn't redirect to because if it does, the Adsense Crawler Bot with sign your application with too many redirection and broken links).
2) Ensure there are no broken links in your articles or pages. Search "online broken link scanner" on Google to help scan your blog or websites and report every broken URLs which contains invalid links or 404 redirections.

B) Insufficient Content

This message is the most common of emails sent by Adsense when your application gets disapproved.
Reasons for this could be as a result of;
  • Short articles which do not contain much words. 
  • Post contain similar characters with other articles on another website or blog. 
  • Insufficient minimum posts. 
  • Unstructured write-ups. 
  • Posts containing too many images and videos. The images in your articles are more than the text characters.

1) Be unique in all ramifications. Laziness kills. Originality is the key here.
Don't mind if same article has been posted online. Ensure your article is distinct.
2) Avoid summary writing (short article).
3) Whenever you want to publish an article, never go straight to the main purpose of the write up. Write a brief introduction of what your TOPIC entails.
For example, if you're about to write on a topic as thus "ADSENSE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA". Don't make the mistake of listing the eligibility criteria for adsense approval.
Try to discuss briefly what ADSENSE is all about. Other advertising networks similar to adsense. Brief pros and cons of Adsense.
If possible, share a similar experience of yourself as example.
Afterwards, then head straight to the purpose of your article.
4) Avoid vulgar words in articles.
5) Try to proofread your articles before publishing to avoid grammatical errors and blunders.
6) Have a minimum of about 40 - 50 unique posts.
7) Try to link related topics to the article you published.
For example:
You decide write a topic about "HOW TO PARK DOMAIN NAME TO ANY WEB HOST".
If you to look inwardly and deeply into this topic, you will notice its too broad which ought to contain the following headings;
Types of Hosting Provider.
Example of web hosting providers.
Methods by which domain names can be parked (eg CNAME, NS RECORD, A NAME etc).
By the time you must have discussed all this in your article, the post must have been lengthy And most atimes, readers get bored when an article is too lengthy.
So, try to redirect your reader to "LEARN MORE ABOUT A PREREQUISITE OF THE TOPIC" before continuing.
By doing this, you will broaden the scope of your readers and get them acquainted to more topics. Also you are increasing the number of posts & articles on your blog.
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